Unexpected downtime can be a very expensive time for an Owner Operator. The average cost of downtime for a trucker is approximately $92.41/hour including time off work, expenses and opportunity cost of capital. At NAL we offer Accident & Mechanical Downtime coverage with the highest downtime benefits and lowest price in the industry.
Exclusive Features
- Tax-free benefits
- Benefits from $500-$5,000/month
- Covers downtime due to traffic accidents after a 7-Day elimination period
- Lowest price in the industry
- Lump sum monthly payments
- Maximum benefit paid is $15,000

Unexpected downtime can be a very expensive time for an Owner Operator. The average cost of downtime for a trucker is approximately $92.41/hour including time off work, expenses and opportunity cost of capital. At NAL we offer Accident & Mechanical Downtime coverage with the highest downtime benefits and lowest price in the industry.
Exclusive Features
- Tax-free benefits
- Benefits from $500-$5,000/month
- Covers downtime due to major mechanical failure after a 7-Day elimination period
- Lowest price in the industry
- Lump sum monthly payments
- Maximum downtime payment is $15,000

In the event of a total loss due to an accident, fire or theft, there maybe a difference between the amount you owe to the finance company and the actual value of your vehicle. This is where GAP coverage comes in, it will cover your losses up to $50,000 and up to $50,000 for injuries to the driver of the vehicle.
Exclusive Features
- Up to $50,000 in benefits in the event of a total loss
- A lump sum payment to use towards your deductible, balance owed on financing or a down payment on a new truck
- Coverage for injuries and death through driver accident benefits
- Maximum payout based on value of vehicle

An accident can happen at anytime & anywhere. You may even find yourself stuck with a deductible payment when the accident is not your fault in Ontario and other no-fault jurisdictions. NAL has been providing valuable Deductible Buydown protection for two decades. As one of the first providers of this type of protection, NAL has the experience to ensure that you have the right protection at the right price.
Exclusive Features
- Lump sum payment
- Streamlined claims processing
- Tax-free benefits
- ‘Infill’ coverage for claims lower than your primary deductible
- Coverage for at fault and no-fault accidents and third party liability
- Preferred pricing depending on experience and driving record
- Completely customizable configurations based of primary deductible
- Customized fleet pricing for group larger than 5 units

Owning a business comes with a lot of costs, so much so that they could potentially consume your entire personal disability benefit. Your truck payment alone could eat up a good portion of your benefit, not to mention insurance premiums, accounting services, utilities, business and/or property taxes. Protect yourself AND your business!
Exclusive Features
- Pays your monthly truck payment
- Covers payments up to $5,000/month
- Coverage for accidental injuries
- A maximum term of 12 months of benefits
- 30-Day Elimination Period
*British Columbia (BC) – NAL Insurance is only Life Licensed in the province of BC and not all products are available in this province. Any general insurance products are only available directly through one of our licensed partnered agencies located in BC. If your located in BC, please call 1-800-265-1657 and we will forward you to one of our partnered agencies.
Our Products
We work with Owner Operators, Fleets and Insurance Companies to build products designed to protect Drivers and their Companies. Trucking can be a high risk industry for injury claims because of Motor Vehicle Accidents. Its important to make sure your Insurance Company understands your business so that you are protected in the event of an accidental injury.
Our Service
We always try to put our clients first. When it comes to sales, customer service or claims you should always expect the best when working with NAL Insurance. Our dedicated team is always available to provide you with a prompt response if you have a question about your policy, payment or claim. If you ever have a question, please don’t hesitate to call 1-800-265-1657 and ask us.
Our Solution
In order to offer you the best price we can, NAL is committed to using technology to limit our costs. Currently, we offer both Owner Operators and Fleets the ability to manage their benefit program online; from buying coverage, reviewing policy documents, submitting claims information or viewing a claims status. This gives our clients access to the information they need 24/7.